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copy of the birth certificate with an apostille?

I am a student from Russia, I am going to study for a year on a master's degree program. Could you please tell me if it will be enough to provide a notarized copy of the birth certificate with an apostille on this copy and a notarized translation of this copy? Or is it necessary that the apostille be directly on the original birth certificate?

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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Bonjour Natalia,

You will find further information reading this topic on our forum : "New to France-Healthcare ?", and visiting this website,, section : "Demande d'apostille".

You can also read our website's page on : "Foreign student: the French social security registration process".

Anyway, if you need help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line.

More information on the link below : How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

For your information : the international call prefix or dial out code shown as “+” has to be replaced by figures which are different from the country where you’re located.

You can find the list of these codes on the link below :

You can also contact the French speaking line, dial 36 46.

Have a nice day

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