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Healthcare Application after 11-January-2024 (Apostille Convention)

Bonjour/Hello. We are Canadian and have reached the 90-day mark on our long-stay visas (and had our medical appointment). Now we need to apply for the carte vitale. Since 11-January-2024 and the implementation of the Apostille Convention we are bit lost in the official terminology and want to try to ensure we are understanding the terms correct.

We have utility invoices and the banking information, but have questions around the identity documents.

Q1: "Copy of your passport or identity card"
How do we send a copy of our passport (and visa) that will be acceptable to CPAM (on the assumption that a simple photocopy will not suffice)? Is this akin to having a photocopy verified by a Notary? Or is there an entirely different process to have it verified? Or will a photocopy suffice?

Q2: "Copy of birth certificate with parents' names"

Similar to above, but:

Q2a: the Birth Certificates are bilingual (French/English) we assume they do not require translation, but want to be certain.

Q2b: does submitting the Apostille certificate meet this requirement? We are not certain about are the terms Apostille vs. "Certified Copies" and want to ensure we submit in the correct format (and whether a single page like the Apostille meets the requirement).

Thank you in advance


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Ma recette idéale : 4 doses de chocolat, 1 bonne dose d’humour et le tout saupoudr...

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Hello David30,

Just a good copy of your documents will be enough, it doesn't need to be verified.

For your registration, because you were born abroad, you have to provide the original long version of your birth certificate (with your parents name on it) or a certified copy. If your parents' names appear on the extract of your certificate of birth, it will be accepted.

You need to provide a copy of your original birth certificate and a translation if needed.

You can find more information reading this topic called "Translation of birth certificate ".

Only the original birth certificate needs an Apostille.

Regarding the "Apostille" you will find, in the following link, the information for each country: "Mes documents relèvent-ils de la légalisation, de l’apostille ou d’une dispense ?".

I advise you to open the pdf file titled "Tableau récapitulatif de l’état actuel du droit conventionnel en matière de Légalisation".

Have a nice day.

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Cobbling together previous threads and lists we have found to confirm that we are correctly understanding (so please let us know if there are any mistakes).


A copy of your employment contract or your first pay slip (if you work)
[We are retired, so skipping this one]

One utility invoice (if you are employed) or three consecutive months of invoices (if not employed).
[We are going to include a copy of our lease and three months of rental payment- we do want to check that this qualifies or if it needs to be actual utility invoices as rent payments would not meet the requirement]

A copy of your passport or identity card
[Black and white photocopy of the two facing identify pages of our passports]

A copy of your visa or resident permit
[Black and white photocopy of our visa from within our passports]

A copy of your birth certificate (long version that includes parents' names)
[This is one of the big questions - is it correct that we need a black and white photocopy of both sides of the birth certificate and ALSO an Apostille certifying it's authenticity?]

A RIB (relevé d'identité bancaire aka the bank details).
[A copy of our French bank account details printed directly from our bank's website]

Form S1106 "Application for membership in the french health care system."
[Straightforward, complete + print]

That's our list - please let us know what we have correct and what we misunderstood or missed entirely.

Merci beaucoup!!


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Bonjour David30,

For your registration, you have to get these documents ready.

  • Form S11.06 "Application for membership in the french health care system",
  • Copy of your birth certificate included your parent's names, (A printed copy of the original document is enough with the Apostille on it)
  • Copy of the two pages of your passeports,
  • Copy of your Visa or resident permit,
  • Relevé d'identité bancaire (RIB),
  • Your three last utility bills (electricity, water, rental... bills)

Regarding the "Apostille" you will find, in the following link, the information for each country: "Mes documents relèvent-ils de la légalisation, de l’apostille ou d’une dispense ?".

After that, you can mailed all your documents. The adress of your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) is available on this section : "Adresses et contacts"

If you need help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English or French Advice Lines.

More information in the following topic: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Have a nice day

American in France

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Good afternoon,
I have the same question. I am an American and have many copies of my birth certificate signed by the stamp from the secretary of state. On the link you provide to see if an Apostle is required, I am unsure if our birth certificate corresponds to I (which would need an apostle) or VIII which would not. Can you please clarify this?

IF an Apostille is needed: To get one with an Apostille I will need to order a new birth certificate, have it sent to be apostilled and then mailed to me in France. Can a scanned copy be sent in so we can apply faster or do I need to wait for the actual document to be mailed overseas?

Thank you

American in France

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Based on this website it seems that an Apostille may not be needed. https://www.usnotarycenter.com/post/post34

Please find below what it says below:

Step 2: Get it authenticated or apostilled by the Secretary of State

For Hague Convention Countries, get it certified with an apostille by the Secretary of State. For birth certificate is a state-issued document, it does not require additional certification by the U.S. Department of State or legalization by a U.S. embassy or consulate overseas to be recognized in a participating country. You are all set!


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Hello American in France,

As it is been explained before by our experts Ameli, the apostille is required on the american birth certificate.
The apostille is an easier way to get your documents legalized and even if the US signed the Hague Convention, their citizens have to provide most of their documents with this official stamp.
Our official government website is up to date and precise which countries are concerned by this rule, so if you want to check the information, you can have a look to this webpage "Mes documents relèvent-ils de la légalisation, de l’apostille ou d’une dispense ?".

Have a good day.

American in France

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Hello Fanny,
I did have a look at the table and also gathered I needed an apostille but before taking the time to get this and spend a great deal of money, I just wanted to confirm this was needed.

Many thanks!