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[English] I already received my salary bulletin, but cannot register on Ameli with the social security number

Hello Madame/Sir,
I tried to register on Ameli with the social security number I found on my salary bulletin. However, my 13-digit social security number contains one latin letter, and that is not recognized by the registration page of Ameli.
Besides, I don't have a two-digit code for my social security number either.

I filled one S1106 form and mailed to CPAM through postal service, but received nothing back.
I also tried to call the English line of Ameli which never works..
I would appreciate a lot if you could help me with this or give some advice on who else I can contact.
Thanks in advance for your reply.


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Hello Serena,

The processing times vary depending on the type of files and the number of files being processed by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

I recommend you to read this topic which explains the procedure to register to CPAM.

If you need help regarding this request, you can try to contact again the CPAM’s English or French Advice Lines.

More information in the following topic: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Have a nice day.

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You have to wait information from CPAM. When did you send your 1106 form?

The number on your salary bulletin is not the right one.


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Hi Elryn,

About one month ago.


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Honestly it’s a bit short to have an answer

You can call your cpam to know how long it will take but some CPAM has several months of delays