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Register for health insurance

[Nous protégeons votre vie privée : cette publication a été modifiée afin qu'elle ne contienne plus de données personnelles]

Hi, I came in France for work on permanent French contract. I got my social security number from my payslips. When I am trying to create account on ameli I am getting message your number is not known in basics of health insurance. What I need to do next do I need to obtain health insurance or I need to register with ameli can you please guide me process?


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J'ai fait le choix de "cultiver mon jardin", dommage que je n'ai pas la main verte.

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Good afternoon Sharad,

To access your ameli account, you have first to be registered with the Assurance Maladie and obtain a permanent social security number. This number (15 digits) starts with a 1 (for a man, 2 for a woman), then your year of birth, the month of birth, 99 (for people who were born out of France), your country code, your personal number and a key (2 digits). If your number ends with 999 999 or 000 000, this is not a social security number.

In order to be registered with the Assurance Maladie, you have to send to your local CPAM (caisse primaire d'assurance maladie) office:

 - your birth certificate (the long version one) with your parents name on it;

- copy of your passport;

- copy of your resident permit (for non-European citizen);

- copy of your French work contract;

- copy of the first payslip;

- copy of a proof of residency (electricity bill, phone bill, rental contract, ...);

- your particular of French bank account (RIB);

- the form S1106 "Application for membership in the french health care system"

Anyway, if you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line.

More information on the link below : How call French Health Insurance Advice Line ?

For your information : the international call prefix or dial out code shown as “+” has to be replaced by figures which are different from the country where you’re located.

You can find the list of these codes on the link below :

You can also contact the French speaking line, dial 36 46.

Have a nice day

[mis à jour le 08/07/2020]



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