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[English] Reimbursement with temporary certificate


I have just received my temporary certificate, the one starts with 7, and I understand that I cannot process any procedures on Ameli with this social security number. On Decemer 2020, I had to take a Covid test before entering my school, and at that time I had not had my health insurance yet, so I had to pay the test fee upfront. They said I can get reimbursement when I receive my social security number. Do you know how can I claim this fee now that I have my temporary health insurance certificate?
Plus, there're a lot of information on the internet that get me very confused, such as:

  • I have to inform my local CPAM right after I arrive and have house rental contract.
  • I have to get a family doctor to help me processing my documents as well as evaluate my health condition profile (this comes my understanding that I need this document to process my future health insurance).

Since I can not register my Ameli account at this moment, I'm not able to book any appointment with my local CPAM to discuss my queries. Please let me know if those two mentioned steps have to be conducted right now or after I receive my official social security number? And if possible, can you recommend any service that I can find my referral doctor, ideally doctor that speak English. Some have suggested doctolib, but I wonder if I can consult them just about general information.

Every answer will be very appreciated. Thank you very much.


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Hello khuongdb,

A similar question has already been answered on this forum. I advise you to visit this topic: Permanent social security number.

When you are covered by the french healthcare system, even with a temporary social security number, it is mandatory to have a "médecin traitant" registered on your file as your referee doctor.

You can look for a "médecin traitant" on the online directory: Annuaire Santé.

When you have a temporay social security number, to register your "médecin traitant", your doctor has to complete the 3704 form ("Déclaration de choix de médecin traitant") which you have to send to your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

To claim your refund, I advise you to send your "feuille de soins" (claim form) to your CPAM.

You can find your CPAM's address on our website ameli.fr, in "Adresses et Contacts".

If you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM. The contact information is available in the following topic: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Have a good day

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