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Obtaining Health Insurance with a Pre-Existing Condition

I am in the process of completing my residency requirements for France. Thus, I do not have the access to social security right now. While I wait for that, I would like to buy health insurance - not mutuelle. I dont qualify yet. (I am retired and I am an unmarried USA citizen). I keep getting denied when I try to buy healthcare coverage for emergencies and general scheduled maintenance because I have a preexisting condition. The condition I have qualifies as an ALD in France. So, while I wait for my social security, how can I buy insurance to cover the care I need now?


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Hello Paula33483,

During the 3 first months, if you are not working in France or not living in France for 3 months or if you don't receive a state retired pension from France or an European country, you could not join the French health system.

If you reached three months of residency and you alreafy applied to be covered under the French health system, you will get a social security number and your rights will start from the first day your CPAM received your complete file.

Unfortunately, we can't give you advices regarding the private insurance and how to sign a contract with it.

However, if you need emergency care, you will find informations reading this topic :

Anyway, if you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line.

More information on the link below : How call French Health Insurance Advice Line ?

Have a nice day.

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