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How can I register in sécurité sociale?

I am going to start working in France in September, I would like to know what must I do to register in Sécurité Sociale, where and how can I start the process.

Thank you


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You have to wait that you start working

When you have your contract you must print and fill this form:

+ supporting documents (contract, id document, RIB, document to justify your adress …)

And send all this together to the cpam where you live

Hello MT,

You can submit your application as soon as your are in France, and in possession of proof of residency and your professional activity.

I recommand you follow the steps of this forum topic corresponding to your personal situation : National security number.

I wish you a nice day.


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  • 1 réponse publiée
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    Les meilleures réponses sont les réponses certifiées par un expert ameli ou approuvées par l'auteur de la question.

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This is the option for EU nationals, I forgot to mention I am an EU national going to France to work.


The 1st part of this topic contains the steps to take for a European Community citizen, then the second part concerning non-European Community citizen.

You must follow the instructions regarding your own situation.

Have a nice day.