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How can I register to assurance maladie in Lyon?

Good morning,

I've moved to France last year and I got my numero de securite social registered by my account as I'm auto-entrepeneur.
At the time I lived in Paris and I got a letter with the address to send the documets to register but now I live in Lyon.

Could you please help me to understand:

  • How can I register to assurance maladie in Lyon so I can receive my carte vitale
  • Which address should I send the documets to, as now I'm not living in Paris but in Lyon
  • What documents and forms should I send to get registered and obtain my carte vitale

Thank you


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Hello wolf-40,

You have to contact your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) to let them know you moved.

If you have an ameli account, you can change your address online, in "Mes informations".

If not, you can call: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Once your file has been transfered to Lyon, the new CPAM will send you a welcoming letter.

Your CPAM's address can be found on the website, in this section "Adresses et contacts".

I would advise you to contact your CPAM to know the status of your application process, and your carte Vitale. 

Have a nice day

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Thank you for the response

The thing is that's I've never sent the documents, I received the letter but right after I've got the letter I've moved to Lyon.
So I don't have account on ameli site, neither I am registered to any cpam.

I'd like to do my first registration in Lyon, as I've never got registered anywhere.

What can I do?


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Hello wolf-40,

As a self-employed personn, your file should have been forwarded directly by le centre des formlaités des entreprises (CFE) to caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) to open your rights to French Health Insurance. 

As we do not have access to your file, you need to contact an advisor on the phone to follow up on your file, as explained by Sophie. 

I wish you a nice day.