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How to create my online account "compte ameli ?"

There are several ways to create your ameli account. Find below some examples.


  • 24 topics créés

Valérie, 36 ans, au sein de l'Assurance Maladie depuis presque 5 ans et fière d'êt...

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  • 24 topics créés

Valérie, 36 ans, au sein de l'Assurance Maladie depuis presque 5 ans et fière d'êt...

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Before you start, make sure you use the French version of the website (not the translated page).

Please note that it is not possible to create an ameli account within 7 to 10 days of receiving your definitive social security number.

Besides, if you have a temporary social security number, starting by 7 or 8, you cannot open an ameli account.

  •     In order to create your account by yourself, you need :

-  Your name,

-  Your certified social security number (13 first digits)

-  Your date of birth

-  Your post code

-  The last 7 digits of your IBAN number (french bank account only)

-  The last 11 digits of your carte Vitale’s serial number (on the right handside of the picture)

-  Your email address (your ameli account is personal and individual. Please do not use an e-mail address already linked to another ameli account. Note for students: it is possible to choose a different email address for the ameli account than the one you gave when you registered on the Etudiant étranger website).

Please click on the link below and follow the instructions :


If one of the items listed above is missing, you can’t create your online account by yourself.

  •     If you can’t create your online account, please seek help from a « France Services » office. You can find their addresses and contact details below :


We advise you to be accompanied by a French-speaking person.

  •     If you can speak French or can call us with someone who can translate for you, please contact the French speaking line on 36 46.


  •     If you only speak English, please contact the English speaking line on 09 74 75 36 46.

If you are experiencing difficulties or if the website shows the message « ce service est momentanément indisponible », please try to use another browser, another device, or the app « Compte Ameli ».

Have a nice day.

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I moved to France 3 months ago. I work fultime and received my social security number via my employer. However I have not received a carte vitale yet. When I try to create my account on Maladie it gives me an error saying "Your current situation does not allow you to immediately create your ameli account.Please:Contact your health insurance fund".

what can I do? My employer do not what to do either..



  • 4960 réponses publiées

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Bonjour HLund,

You must verify if your rights to health insurance are opened with this social security number and if it has been certified to let you access ameli account and create carte Vitale. 

I invite you to contact your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) to reach a counselor as we do not have access to your file on this forum fulfill with securtity policy of your personal information.

Have a nice day.