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Can I use My Carte de Vitale while my name change process is ongoing?

I received my social security number a few days ago and so I requested for a certificate of rights. But not yet recevied anything regarding the creation of compte amélie nor the carte de vitale yet. When I received the attestation the droits, I was bit surprised to notice that I didn't have my second prénom. I heard it's normal to have only one first name and one last name. However, I decided to submit a request to the health insurance and add my middle name.

so, my question is

1) Am I going to receive a letter or something like this to create my Amélie account? while having the "name adding process"?

2)Let's say If I receive then create the amelie account and carte de vitale while name adding is in process. Can I still legally use it? but can order new vital card again when my second name is added? Note: It was my personal choice to request to add my middle name. Besides that every details are correct. Thank you, very much have a good one.


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Hello Intellgentdog,

Your name on the carte Vitale must match with your identity. I advise you to wait for your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) to deal with your demand linked to the change of your name before you create your card.

As you have no carte Vitale yet, doctors will give you "Feuilles de soins" that you must send to your CPAM in order to claim for refunds.

Your CPAM address is available page "Adresses et contacts" on the ameli webiste.

I advise you to refer to this topic about ameli account if you want more information about how to access your personnal space. 

I wish you a nice day.

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