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New to France on Type D Visa with remark "C.SEJ A SOLLIC"

Hello ,
I have arrived in France with Type D visa and Remark "C.SEJ A SOLLIC" . Currently I live in Sceaux.
I have already applied for my Resident permit. My Husband hold Carte de Sejour Pluriannuelle with Remark Passeport Talent : Carte Bleue Europeenne.

Now I need to apply for a Social security number .
1.What is the procedure ? Is it an online process ?
2.Where can I find the form ?
3.Do I have to apply for an OFII?

Can you help with the procedure?

Thank you


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Hello Palak,

You will find the steps in order to obtain your social security number on this topic : New to France - healthcare?

You can't apply online, but you can find your CPAM's address on our website ameli.fr, in "Adresses et Contacts".

Regarding your visa, it is necessay to register with OFII (office français de l'immigration et de l'intégration), even if your long-term visa is equivalent to a residence permit.

You can register your long-term visa online and obtain a proof of registration on this link : https://administration-etrangers-en-france.interieur.gouv.fr/particuliers/

Have a nice day.

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