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Invalid document (Proof of registration for the current academic year)


I am a Ph.D. candidate from Thailand. I obtained a student visa and visited France as an exchange or visiting Ph.D. student. I did not enroll in French institution, but I have a hosting agreement with the university that confirms that I will conduct research in France as a Ph.D. student for 8 months. I attempted to apply for social security several times but was denied due to issues with Proof of Registration for the current academic year. Previously, I attempted to attach an invitation letter and a hosting agreement but was rejected. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue or advise me on how to obtain a social security number and a carte vitale?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Bonjour Amp,

A similar question has been answered in this forum. In order to get the answer, you can consult this topic called “Obtaining a social security number as a foreigner coming for a PHD

If you did not enroll a French university, I advise you to read this topic "New to France - Healthcare ?".

If you are a Talent visa holder with a french work contract, you can have a look on this answer "PhD student with Talent Visa"

Have a good day.

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