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Recently applied for auto-entreprise, not new to france but have current EHIC insurance, need carte vitale

I have recently moved back to France after travelling/studying/working in the UK. I always kept my permanent residence in France as I did not technically "move back permanently" to the UK. However, whilst over there I needed UK insurance (being a British citizen) so I signed up for an EHIC card which is my current insurance. I am 27, a British citizen, and have 15 years of residency in France. I was never given my own social security number due to my age/ student status, so I was on my parents number.
I returned to France from the UK in June and I have recently signed up for an auto-entreprise (so I do not have a salary). I am currently awaiting my SIRET number etc. but I need a Carte Vitale rather urgently. How do I apply for one and what papers do I need? Also, please let me know if I have missed anything out that you need to know.
Thank you for your help.
Regards, Lili.


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Hello Lili,

If you were registered under the file of your parents, that means that you already have a social security number.

You can find this number on an old "attestation de droits", on a top-up insurance's card…

If you cannot find any document with the number, you can go to a caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) office with your passport and they will tell you what your number is.

Then, I invite you to send to your CPAM the Following documents :

  • A proof of your self-employed status (letter from the Urssaf);
  • The printed S1106 Form "Application for membership in the French health care system", obtainable from the CPAM;
  • Birth certificates for you and your family (wife, husband, children, etc.), the long version one (with the name of your parents);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • For non-Europeans, official translation of the birth and marriage certificates into French, made by an official translator registered on a court of justice here in France, or by the consulate or the embassy;
  • Copy of the passport or ID copies;
  • For non-Europeans, copy of your visas or resident permits;
  • Proof of residency (Utility Bills, rental contract, etc.);
  • Particulars of your bank account (RIB - relevé d'identité bancaire/IBAN). These can be found readily available in your French cheque book;
  • If you have children, copy of their birth certificates and passport or ID with the form S3705 "Application to add minor children to one or both parents insurance accounts"
  • Have a nice day.

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