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Coming back to work again in France but this time looking to stay . EU citizen , what's the process and where to start

Hi I am EU citizen and previously worked in agriculture . I have had temporary numbers given to me but they are all different. I plan to come back to work but this time with a plan to stay and work long term and live in France . I have never rented a house use to live in a campervan . I have available address for letters in Lyon in the 69 region that is where I will be working .
I don't have currently no health card from Lithuania as I am not registered there any more . Is there any place in Lyon I can find where they can help me to navigate me through the process of ( permanent social security number , what do I need to rent a house , I will be coming with my wife to be and our new born so what do I need to register them up ? I Guess you could say it won't be just for one time question I am not the best on the computers also but I did find this place in the end .
Social security
Carte vital
Help with renting a place


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Hello Edi,

If you have already a provisionnal social security number, you will have to send the form S1106 with a copy of your work contract, your identity card or passport, your birth certificate (long version) and a RIB (relevé d'identité bancaire).

After 3 months of residence, your wife will be able to apply for the health cover. You will find the steps in this topic : How to request a social security number

For your new born baby, you  will have to fill the form S3705 "Demande de rattachement des enfants mineurs à l'un ou aux deux parents assurés" . Add a copy of his birth certificate and send it to your CPAM (caisse primaire d'assurance maladie).

Anyway, if you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line. Dial 09 74 75 36 46.

Have a nice day. 

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Hi thank you very much for the help . I am not sure it's a provisional number as I never made any application for it . When I first arrived in France I just got given a bulletin du salarié and on it had one but it's always been different from every job as I work in agriculture , now my plan is to stay and work for the same boss long time .


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Hello Edi,

If you don't know your social security number, when completing the form S1106, you can leave the field "Your social security number" blank. Next to it, you can write a comment explaining you had a social security number in the past but don't remember it.

You can find your CPAM's address on ameli.fr, in "Adresses et Contacts".

Have a nice day


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Hello Edi,

If you have already a provisionnal social security number, you will have to send the form S1106 with a copy of your work contract, your identity card or passport, your birth certificate (long version) and a RIB (relevé d'identité bancaire).

After 3 months of residence, your wife will be able to apply for the health cover. You will find the steps in this topic : How to request a social security number

For your new born baby, you will have to fill the form S3705 "Demande de rattachement des enfants mineurs à l'un ou aux deux parents assurés" . Add a copy of his birth certificate and send it to your CPAM (caisse primaire d'assurance maladie).

Anyway, if you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line. Dial 09 74 75 36 46.

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