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Obtain a new securite sociale for my visa renewal

Hello, Sorry for writing in English. I am from India. Acutually I am a student in France. I came here on 2019 March. At that time I applied for the securite sociale and I got a temporary number. But my birth certificate which I attested from the campus france office in India and the domicile got rejected after I applied. I uploaded it again and it got rejected. I really don't know the reason. But after so many months my account was cancelled after expiring the period. Now my titre de sejour expired on December 31st and I have to renew my visa. I have all the papers from the college for the upcoming academic year and all other documents except my securite social. Is it possible to obtain a new securite sociale number for my visa renewal in this situation?


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Bonjour Ajeesh,

We need to look up your file to answer your request. We do not have access to your personnal information on this forum. I invite you to contact the english advise line dedicated to caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) dialing from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m..

I wish you a nice day. 

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Hello, Sorry also for writing in English. Is there any chance you could help me about my situation. I was an Au pair in 2019 (1 year). Unfortunately, my hosts Family didn't help me to get a "Securite Sociale" and a "Carte Vitale" which I also do not know about. After a year with them I decided to find a declared job as a Nanny (with other Family). My visa that time already expired and I cannot apply for the Social Secuite or Carte Vitale anymore. I tried to applied in (AME) but unfortunately it was denied due to over minumum salary needed. These past years I was always sick due to covid (always need to do a test), cold, buying medicines and need to go to a Kinesiologue due to back pain. And unfortunately I cannot pay all the expenses needed. So by any chance is there any way to apply for the said Securite Sociale or Carte Vitale?