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How can I get the cart Vitale being foreigner

I am Portuguese and I am going to stay one year in France with my boyfriend, he has a job, but I am unemployed. I would like to know if I can get the passe Vitale and how.


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  • 4258 réponses publiées

Ma recette idéale : 4 doses de chocolat, 1 bonne dose d’humour et le tout saupoudr...

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Hello Raquel,

In order to be covered in France and receive a french social security number, you have to send the following documents to your CPAM (caisse primaire d'assurance maladie):

- a copy of your work contract or your first pay slip (if you work),

- to prove that you are living in France:
• one utility bill, if you work
•or three utility bills for the past three months, if you don't work

- a copy of your passport or identity card,

- a copy of your visa or resident permit (if you are non-European),

- if you were covered in Europe before coming to France: a S1 form from your previous european health system. If you cannot get a S1, you will have to provide a refusal letter,

- a copy of your birth certificate (the long version with your parents' names),

- a RIB (relevé d'identité bancaire aka the bank details),

- the form S1106 "Application for membership in the french health care system",

- if you have children, copy of their birth certificates and passport or ID with the form S3705 "Application to add minor children to one or both parents insurance accounts"

You can find your CPAM's address on our website, in "Adresses et Contacts".

Have a good day.


  • 1 question posée
  • 1 réponse publiée
  • 0 meilleure réponse

    Les meilleures réponses sont les réponses certifiées par un expert ameli ou approuvées par l'auteur de la question.

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Is there any other way to prove my residence here besides the one you suggested?


  • 4258 réponses publiées

Ma recette idéale : 4 doses de chocolat, 1 bonne dose d’humour et le tout saupoudr...

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Hello Raquel,

First, I invite you to read this topic, called : "New to France - Healthcare ?"

If you are a european citizen, living here in France less than 5 years and you could not get a S1 form, you will have to provide a proof of all your incomes from past year and a refusal letter of a S1 from your previous health system.

You can provide any document to prove that you have been resident here in France for the last 3 months like a copy of the identity document of the person who is accommodating you and a sworn statement by this person. The person must specify the date on which you have been accommodated and must provide proof of address (phone bill, electricity bill, rental contract) with the letter.

I invite you to read this article on our website, : "Formulas to follow depending upon your situation".

Have a nice day.