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Permanent Social Security Number Issuance problem.

I'm Master student here in France, I have my temporary Social security number which i would like to convert into permanent one so i can create my ameli account. I had applied (By sending a post) exactly four months ago and send a filled formed Number S-1106 including all the required information but i did not receive any response yet. I tried to call on given number 3646 but didn't get connected with anyone. It's my second year here in France and i still don't have my Permanent Social security number now i am getting worried about it. Please suggest me any possible solution, why am i not getting any response by the department.


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Réponse certifiée par un expert ameli

Un expert ameli a validé la réponse ci-dessous.

Hello Aqib,

Unfortunately, because of some safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum.

The processing times vary depending on the type of files and the number of files being processed by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

A temporary social security number gives you the same rights that a permanent one. The only difference is that you can't order a Vitale card or open an ameli account for the moment.

Due to the current situation, the English speaking line is not available. Only if your situation is really urgent, I advise you to contact the French line (by dialing 36 46) with the help of a friend. If it's not urgent, then i advise you to wait.

Have a nice day.

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