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I have already my European Health Insurance Card. How can I use it and make a visit to the doctor?

I have my EHIC but I don't know what to do if I need to visit the doctor. Should I as first register somewhere? Should I choose the main clinic? Or it's enough just to book the place and make a visit at clinic without any registration before?


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J'ai fait le choix de "cultiver mon jardin", dommage que je n'ai pas la main verte.

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Bonjour Maggy,

If you have to visit a doctor, you can use your EHIC card, but you will probably have to pay the visit.

In order to get a refund, you need to provide to CPAM (caisse primaire d'assurance maladie) :

  • a copy of your passport
  • a RIB
  • acquitted bills (+ prescription)
  • a copy of your european health card (EHIC card)

To have further details, more information on the link below : How call French Health Insurance Advice Line ?

For your information : the international call prefix or dial out code shown as “+” has to be replaced by figures which are different from the country where you’re located.

You can find the list of these codes on the link below :

You can also contact the French speaking line, dial 36 46.

Have a good day.

[mis à jour le 08/07/2020]

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