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Why I cannot Open Ameli account ?

Hello !

I am an International student having legal Residence permit of france until the end of September 2018.

I have CPAM insurance. I am a Master's student in france. I have the 15 digits Assurance Maladie number (it's not 13 digits)

Currently I am in Switzerland at EPFL University for my Master's Research Project. I need to get a European Health Insurance Card or Carte d'Europeenne d'Assurance Maladie which I need to submit to Swiss authorities. I had applied for it while I was in Dijon France by applying 1 month in advance but I did not get it.

Now I want Ameli account so that I can order it online using my Ameli account.

I cannot make Ameli account because

1. My Mon Numero (which Cpam posted me through post in France) is 15 digits long not 13 digits and

2. Where will I receive the Code ?

Cpam has no email service to contact them and get the relevent document or card through email or by giving current Swiss address by email ? ?

Please guide ASAP

Will be grateful.


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Hello che,

To log in to your ameli account, you need to enter 13 digits (your social security number without the 2 last numbers).

If you need some help to create your account, please you can dial the 0811 36 36 46.

An advisor will create directly the account for you and give you the password to log on the account.

Do not hesitate to have a look at the tutorial to know all the possibilities you have thanks to your ameli account.

Have a lovely day.

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Hello Nabeel,

Your social security number starts by 7 or 8, it means that it's a temporary social security number.
You can open an ameli account only with a permanent social security number (starting by 1 or 2).

I invite you to contact the CPAM's english line to claim for a CEAM (EHIC) :

0 811 36 36 46 (from France)

+33 811 36 36 46 (from abroad)

Have a good day.


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hello mam roxane i have security social permanent but i did not create account also to ameli account what i can do? thank you


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hello madame my social security number not verify until now so that i can not create account thank you


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Three most common errors that I made.
1. Use your Sir name only (Capital characters only)
2. wait for temporary number that will show up on your online registration. If all documents are validated (birth certificate should be translated as well as in original pdf)
3. Permanent social security number starts with 1 and it shows 15 digits. So only use first 13 digits for registration.
4. Use your postal code that is available at your temporary or permanent pdf certificate in upper right corner.