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Re-open my ameli account

I am Vietnam studying in France. Last summer I came back to my countries for the duration of 5 months with purposes of taking several conferences + summer vocation. Then I returned to France for 3 months, and now I come back to Vietnam for an exchange program.

Now I need the "attestation de droits" and I realize that my ameli account is blocked. What can I do in this situation? Honestly I do not understand why my account is blocked because I do not move to another country permanently.


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Hello Bangbang,

If you no longer live un France, you are no longer registered to CPAM. This is probably why you cannot access your ameli account.

Because of safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum.

If you need help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English or French Advice Lines.

More information in the following topic: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Have a nice day

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