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I can't log in to my compte amelie

I am a exchange student and arrived in France early September. I have been trying to deal with carte vitale but I couldn't manage. I have a mail saying I can get my carte vitale by going to my compte amelie account online by or by courrier. I would love to get it by courrier but it says 15 days and it passed the deadline. The reason I can't login to my compte amelie is that I never got a password and when I am trying to say "I forgot it", it says it is not possible to send my password by email I should call 3646 and yet I can't because of my lack of French. What should I do at this point I have the mail saying either I am gonna get it by sending a mail or online in my compte amelie?


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Hello Gul,

First of all, if your details are still the same (name, address, etc) you can send back the green form to order your Vitale card, even if the return date has passed.

Regarding the access to your ameli account, you won't be able to log in on your own without Vitale card. You will have to contact an advisor to receive a temporary password.

If you need help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English or French Advice Lines.

More information in the following topic: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Have a nice day.

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You can call english line or even 3646 most of time there is someone who can speak english.