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CPAM asking me for Titre de Sejour

I moved to France permanently 12 months ago, and have applied for a Carte Vitale. CPAM have written back to me saying 'nous vous demandons un titre de sejour en course de validité'
I have an Irish Passport and have provided 'justificatif de domicile' etc
As an Irish passport holder, do I also need a Carte de Sejour before I can get a Carte Vitale?

Thank you for your assistance.


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Hello Barrma,

If you were born in Ireland, you don't need a residence permit to apply to the French healthcare system.

To find out whether a residence permit is required depending on your situation, I recommend that you consult the website.

However, in order to check your file, I suggest you make an appointment with your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) by contacting the CPAM’s English or French Advice Lines.

More information in the following topic: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Have a nice day

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