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Quand puis-je recevoir une reponse à ma demande d'aide medical?

Hello! May i ask when can i receive of my request for aide medical? I have submitted my file end of August 2024 and i received a reply asking me for some lacking documents and i have also received another mail stating " Après étude de votre situation, il apparait que vous ne relevez pas de l'AME.
En effet, vous semblez réunir les conditions de régularité prévu à l'article L 160- du Code de la sécurité sociale pour bénéficier d' une prise en charge de vos frais de santé au titre de l'assurance maladie obligatoire. Pour nous permettre d'étudier vos droits, nous vous invitons à completer le formulaire 1106 joint et à le retourner à votre caisse à l'adresse ci-dessus" So i have fill out the form attached and send it back. And now it's been two months i didn't get any reply. May i ask if what can i do to follow up my case. I need to do an operation of my right breast. i badly need an aide medical for that. Thank you in advance for your answer;


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Hello Ange,

The "aide médicale de l'État (AME)" is a specific cover for people who live in France irregularly. If you have a visa or a residence permit, you should apply for the "protection universelle maladie (PUMa)"

Through this forum, I can not access your personal datas because of safety reasons.

So if you want to check on the status of your request, I advise you to contact your local caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

You can find the way to do so following this link :

Comment contacter la CPAM depuis la France ou l'étranger / How call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines ?

You can also get more general informations reading these english pages :

Have a nice day.

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Hello! The number that was on the link is not working anymore. How can i contact the CPAM office. I am from 92 department hauts-de-seine. Is my application considered refused now? It's been 2 months since i submitted the lacking documents that they asked me.I am still hoping i can get the aide medical because they gave me hope on their reply. Is it possible to make a follow-up in person in any of the CPAM offices in 92 department? Thank you

Hello Ange,

The privacy policy of this forum does not allow us to answer questions involving access to your file or the exchange of personal information. Our priority is to protect your personal data.

However, your question requires access to your file.

I recommend that you contact CPAM's English speaking line to discuss your request, either from France on: 09 74 75 36 46 or from abroad on: 0033 974 75 36 46.

The line is open from Monday to Friday from 08:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m.

Have a nice day.