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medicines reimbursement EHIC

"If you are obliged to pay in advance for health care that is usually free of charge in France, you have two options for reimbursement: 

make a reimbursement request to your health insurance organization in your country OR
contact the French health insurance system (Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie - CPAM)

If you wish to be reimbursed in France you must present the following documents to the CPAM(...)"

The above information is provided at university page regarding EU citizens from outside of France. I am a citizen of EU country studying in France. I got mine EHIC with me. Where can I find the form or email address to sent all required documents to get reimbursement here - in France - for my medicines that I bought in France? I saw that you can contact customer service on email only if u have ameli account which I don't because it asked me for social security number during registration which I don't have. Thanks in advance!


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Hello malaorm,

In order to get a refund of your cares in France, you need to provide to CPAM (caisse primaire d'assurance maladie) :

  • a copy of your passport
  • a RIB
  • acquitted bills (+ prescription)
  • a copy of your european health card (EHIC card).

It cannot be done on line. Your CPAM will request original invoices. Please, send it to your local health insurance by post. You can find the mailing address of your CPAM on this link : "Adresses et contacts".

Have a nice day

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You cannot you have to go to cpam office