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How to be covered if I am a European student ?

In order to be covered by the French healthcare system, you need to provide some documents to your caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM).


  • 24 topics créés

Valérie, 36 ans, au sein de l'Assurance Maladie depuis presque 5 ans et fière d'êt...

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  • 24 topics créés

Valérie, 36 ans, au sein de l'Assurance Maladie depuis presque 5 ans et fière d'êt...

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If you are a citizen of another European Union (EU) country, Switzerland, or the European Economic Area (EU + Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) and you are coming to France as a student, you do not need to register with the French healthcare system.

All you need is a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a provisional replacement certificate that is valid at least until the end of the academic year. These documents mean that your home country’s social protection institution will cover your healthcare expenses, even if they incurred in France.
You can apply for your EHIC or provisional replacement certificate through your home country’s social protection institution before you come to France.

Your affiliation is finalised

The processing times to get a social security number can fluctuate between one CPAM to another.

Your CPAM will send you your social security number and an « attestation de droits » (certificate of rights), meaning you are covered by the French healthcare system and can be reimbursed for your medical expenses.

To claim your refund, you have to complete, sign and send your « feuille de soins »(brown paper), and the prescriptions if you have them, to your CPAM.

Please note that you cannot order a carte Vitale or open an ameli account directly after receiving your definitive social security number. This is due to the fact it may take some time for your social security number to be certified.

Once your social security number is certified, your CPAM will send you the carte Vitale form. You can either order the card online by creating an ameli account or you can send the paper copy of the form by post, along with a recent identity photo and a copy of an identity document.

For better medical care and optimal reimbursements, register a « médecin traitant » (general practitioner) on your file.

You can find useful links according to your situation, by consulting this topic :
« How to be covered : some useful links ».

Have a nice day.

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I am currently studying in France. I arrived on the 8th of September. I had an emergency situation that resulted in me doing a surgery on the 24th of September. i had already sent my documents before that date to get a social security number.

after the surgery, i paid for the whole treatment as i did not have the security number as at then.

I got the number today and it states that my assurance started from the 14th of September.

I would like to know if it is possible to request for reimbursement or not.

Thank you.


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Passionnée des sports sensationnels qu’offrent la mer et la montagne, je suis auss...

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Hello Mina,

If your rights were open when you had the surgery, you can claim a refund.

Check the hospital gave you a care sheet ("Feuille de soins" in french) and fill it in with your social security number, your name and signature, before returning it to your CPAM.

You can find the address on this page of our ameli website, section : "Adresses et contacts".

If the hospital didn't give you a care sheet, you must contact the secretary.

I wish you a nice day.