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How do I apply for a Social Security number (Non Student)

I would like to know how I go about applying for a Social Security number (Not employed or a student) I cant generate an Amelie account without the Soc number. I believe I have all of the relevant documentation, but need a link to a form or do I just make an appointment with my local CPAM?


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Réponse certifiée par un expert ameli

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Hello Manture,

In order to be covered under the french health system and receive a french social security number, you need to submit the following documents to your local caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM):

• Copy of the passport or identity card;
• The S1106 form "Application for membership in the French health care system" available on the English page
• Certified copy of the birth certificate, the long version one (with the name of your parents);
• Copy of the marriage certificate (if you are married);
• Proof of residency for the past 3 months (utility bills for example);
• Bank account details (RIB - relevé d'identité bancaire/IBAN);
• An S1 refusal form from your health system, if you are eligible and came from an European country;

Your CPAM’s address can be found on the ameli website  : Adresses et contacts.

If you wish to have an appointment, you can contact the English speakinf line, dial 09 74 75 36 46.

Have a nice day.

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