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Waiting for my Permanent Social Security number after having received my Temporary SSN

I have received my temporary SSN more than a year ago from my previous employer. I still have not received my permanent SSN. I would like to create an Ameli account and get my Carte Vitale but i understand I require a permanent SSN.
So my question is
1)How much longer do i have to wait to receive my permanent number and 2) How will i recieve this number now that i am not working for the same company that gave me the temporary SSN?

Thank you very much for you help.


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Hello Nick,

You need a certified social security number and rights to French health insurance to access ameli account and carte Vitale. 

As we do not have access to your file on this forum, I advise you to contact caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) to discuss your situation. 

Have a good day.

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Did you sens all documents to havé your Number? Because your employer did some things but then you also havé to sens some documents and thé 1106 form


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  • 1 réponse publiée
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Yes, my employer asked for certain documents which i had given to them. After about 2 months i received my temporary SSN, and i was told to just wait for the permanent one. So to my knowledge everything was taken care of for me, and i didnt have to do anything personally. So i have just been waiting.

What is the best way to contact CPAM? t Is there an email ID that i can use? I cannot find one. Or i have to send a physical mail by post?

Thanks again for you response.