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Etudiant-Etranger ameli website is glitching a lot while registration today?

I have been trying to register today on the etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr website to put in my application for social security number, but the website seems to be glitching and I am not able to add any entries after the first two sections. I am not sure if the glitch is from my end because I tried to register using different devices and different browsers as well.


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Hello Radhika,

The website etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr allows foreign students to subscribe to the health insurance in France.

However there are exceptions that may block your online registration. For exemple, If you are a european citizen or a Swiss, you cannot apply on this website.You need to order the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with the health insurance of your country.

  • Same if you are from Monaco. Before your departure, ask for a certificate of rights specifying your attachment to the Monaco health insurance.
  • If you are not European and the problem persists, please contact CPAM. More informations on this link : How to contact the CPAM from France or abroad?

    Have a nice day.

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