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My name is wrong


I accidentally re-sent the letter of demanding carte vitale with my name being false (while I should have waited for the new one), what should I do? Can I still receive the new form to order? Does this mean that I'm going to receive both cards, both the one with my name right and the wrong one (but with the same numero securite sociale)?

Thank you in advance!


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Réponse certifiée par un expert ameli

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Good morning Hanah,

You can only have a card at once. I advise you to contact your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) to get an update.

If the card has already been produced, wait until you receive it. If the name isn't correct, then you can declare the card as lost or dysfunctional so you can order a new one.

You can contact the CPAM’s English or French Advice Lines. More information in the following topic: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Have a nice day

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