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Waiting more than year for Card Vitale

I have a full time-job since June 2020 and I am waiting more than year for Card Vitale. I am English-speaking person with no French speaking friends, so I cannot call the line to ask about update. English line is not available. I was asked about half year ago about certificate of marriage, which I send. And no feedback since that time. I send a letter to you, no response. Without the normal security social number, I cannot buy glasses on prescription, I cannot buy contact lenses, I cannot open micro-enterpretueaur status and much more. I have to pay for my medical appointments in advance.

What I can do to get Card Vital finally?


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Hello Romaaa,

Unfortunately, because of some safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum. You must contact your local CPAM office.

If you have already a provisionnal number, it covers you as a definitive number will do.

To open your "auto entreprise", you don't need a social security number. You have to start the process with URSSAF. You will find the process reading this topic called : "Self employed delay ?".

Have a good day.

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Dear Sabine,

Thank a lot for your response. I appreciate your effort to provide me the information.

-- URSSAF needs to have my social security number if I have one already (there is a filed N o Social Security (13 digits)). According to the information I got, I need my normal security number to start the process, not the temporary one. If I mark that I don't have Social Security number, what happened? I will get second number or my first application will be cancelled?
-- Provisional number dosn't work for glasses, contact lenses which I use every day.
-- Provisional sometimes works and sometimes dosn't. Already I have got about 5 feuille de soins, paying for the whole medical service, although I presented temporary social security number.

Could you provide me the address of your local CPAM office? I live and work in Strasbourg.

Best regards


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Hello Romaaa,

A temporary social security number gives you the same rights that a permanent one. The only difference is that you can't order a Vitale card or open an ameli account for the moment.

Regarding the Urssaf (union de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d'allocations familiales) question, I advise you to contact the organization directly.

Your CPAM address can be found on the website, in this section "Adresses et contacts".

Have a good day