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Refund enquiry PCR test in the UK to return into France


I have read all the conversations but I have a different question regarding Covid PCR test refund.  I have French Residence Permit and Card Vitale conjoint with my wife who is working in France. I need to stay in the UK for my work. I need to travel frequently to France to meet my family. Last week I had to travel France from UK to attend the renewal of my residence permit. So I had to take the PCR test in London, UK.
Am I eligible to get the refund using the specific S3125 form and the payment invoice?

Thank you,


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  • 1 réponse publiée
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Lorraine, experte ameli bilingue, fan de séries policières britanniques et de pizz...

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Hi Ark,

We have already answered this question, I invite you to read this topic, entitled: "Test PCR coronavirus à l'étranger : remboursement ?" and to translate it you need.

Have a good day