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Un justificatif d'état civil?

Soon it is becoming one year and my "Un justificatif d'état civil" is still under process. how can i solve this problem!
i called during the confinement but all phones on the operator. what should i do to make it faster?
also i have heavy toothache and want to do something but not brave to go to see a doctor without 'Carte vital' because i have to pay at the moment and it is hard for me during this situation. is there any dental center which is directly reduce the insurance cost without carte vital and just with my paper "attestation de l'asurance maladi"?


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  • 1 réponse publiée
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Ma recette idéale : 4 doses de chocolat, 1 bonne dose d’humour et le tout saupoudr...

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Hello Mehrnaz,

Even with a card vitale you will have to pay for your care.

If you have an "attestation de droits" it means that you are covered by the French health system, you can go to see a dentist.

The dentist will give you a claim form called "feuille de soins", in order to ask for your money back.

As already written, because of some safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum.

Anyway, if you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line.

Dial 09 74 75 36 46.

Have a nice day.

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