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Carte vitale for german traveilleur frontalier


I live in Alsace and work in Germany. I have a private health insurance in Germany and I want to get a french social insurance number.
As far as I got it, I need to apply for a "carte vitale".

Is this right?
How can I do this?

Which kind of documents do you need from me and where to send them?
Please consider that due to my private health insurance I can't provide a "S1" standard form, this is only provided by the national state health insurance.



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Hello michel126,

You will find all you need to do in this topic : New to France - Healthcare?

If you have not yet applied for a social security number, I invite you to read this article on our website, "Formulas to follow depending upon your situation".

You will have to send your application by post.

Have a lovely day.

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