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Renewal of my CMU-C?

I am a refugee and I have CMU-C but it has expired and I applied for renewal but I could not bring the new one because of quarantine.
I tried to make an account here to manage my needs but I couldn’t do that.
I filled all the information needed but nothing happened the page does not change or give any message.
What should I do? How can I get my new CMU-C?


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Hello Joe,

Due to the current situation, measures have been taken for the Complémentaire santé solidaire and the ACS (aide au paiement d'une complémentaire santé).

If the CMU-C (couverture maladie universelle complémentaire) or Complémentaire santé solidaire expires between March 12th and July 31st, the rights are automatically extented for 3 months. In that case, you receive a message on your ameli account.

If the ACS rights expire between March 12th and July 31st, the contract is extented until July 31st. The process will be done by the top-up insurance.

For further details, I invite you to read this topic entitled "Droits et prestations de l’Assurance Maladie à compter du 12 mars 2020"

I wish you a good day

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