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Have I been transferred to CPAM yet please, how do I find out as I cannot open an account

I received an e mail in December informing me that I will be transferring to CPAM but I haven't received any communication since then. Who can I speak to/e mail to find out what is happening please? Thank you


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Réponse certifiée par un expert ameli

Un expert ameli a validé la réponse ci-dessous.

Hello Amanda,

Unfortunately, because of some safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum.

The processing times vary depending on the type of files and the number of files being processed by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

Anyway, if you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line.

Dial 0 811 36 36 46 (from France) or +33 811 36 36 46 (from abroad).

For your information : the international call prefix or dial out code shown as “+” has to be replaced by figures which are different from the country where you’re located.

You can find the list of these codes on the link below :

You can also contact the French speaking line, dial 36 46.

If you are self employed, you were covered with the "Sécurité sociale pour les indépendants". Since february, all self employed people are covered with the Assurance Maladie.

You can login to your ameli account. To do so, you need a temporary password (4 digits) for your first connection.

You can apply for this code, directly to the ameli account, clik on "Je crée mon compte", then enter your details. If it doesn't work, you can apply thrue the FranceConnect application with others user's credentials, like tax office for example.

Have a nice day

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