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My documents are rejected without reason and I cannot access the help line


I'm trying to get a certificate through, but my documents for "Proof of registration for the current academic year" and "A certificate of income" get rejected with a reason "Invalid document", even though they are official documents. The former is even directly from my education institution. I'm trying to call the help line (00 33 811 36 36 46), but all I get is an automated response which ends with "thank you for calling" and then the call ends. I'm calling on a Thursday (August 15th) at 11 AM. Maybe it's closed because of a holiday?

What should I do? I don't know what's wrong with my documents, and my phone calls to the help line are not answered.

Thank you very much for any help!


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Dear hyppypapu,

Sorry for the trouble you got on August 15th, it was closed for a public holiday in France.

Unfortunately, because of some safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum.

If you still need some help regarding this request, please contact the CPAM’s English speaking line. Dial 0 811 36 36 46 (from France) or +33 811 36 36 46 (from abroad).

You can also contact the French speaking line, dial 36 46.

For further information, you can have a look at our English pages:

Have a nice day.