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Issue creating an Ameli account

I have a talent passport visa. I don’t have a family name, only a given name, as indicated on my birth certificate and passport, where the family name field is blank.
However, my France visa have my given name in place of both my family name and given name. I applied for Social security number (SSN) in the same way writing my given name at both the places as it is in my France visa.

I recently received my SSN and the accompanying letter, where my family name was listed as SNP. However, when I use this information to try creating my Ameli account, I receive the following message: "Your current situation does not allow you to create your Ameli account immediately. Please contact your Caisse d'Assurance Maladie."

Could you please guide me on how to proceed with creating my Ameli account in this situation?
I appreciate a response.

Thanks and Regards


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Hello KohliM,

Someone on this forum has already encountered the same situation. You can refer to this topic called about ameli account access.

Have a nice day.


  • 2 questions posées
  • 2 réponses publiées
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    Les meilleures réponses sont les réponses certifiées par un expert ameli ou approuvées par l'auteur de la question.

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Dear Geraldine,
Thanks for your response. I will try to get in contact with CPAM to help me login.
