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I have Talent Passport, and my wife has just joined me in France, can she apply for a social security number?

Hello Ameli experts,

I am currently residing in France with a Talent Passport, and my wife recently joined me with a dependent visa. I have my social security number and Ameli account, along with complementary insurance. We understand that my wife can also obtain a social security number and register for health insurance.

We have a couple of questions:

1. We have read that, due to my Talent Passport, my wife is exempt from the three-month waiting period before applying for a social security number. Does this mean she can apply for a social security number immediately as she arrives?
2. My wife has been here for less than a month and is still waiting to receive her residence permit (titre de séjour). Can she apply for a social security number without having her residence permit yet?

Thank you for your assistance.


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Bonjour sa756hla,

Your wife can apply as she arrives, without complying the 3 months residence in France, as long as she depends on your Talent status (a VLS bearing the mention "passport talent - family)

You will find information reading this topic about passport Talent application for family members.

Your wife will apply to join the French health system as soon as she gets her resident permit (VLS passeport talent-famille).

Have a nice day.

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Hi, My wife’s pregnant and gonna join me in France for the delivery. Could you please also tell how long it could take to get the temporary social security number? Once she applies after arriving in France on Passport talent famillie.

Thanks in advance for the information.

Hello Vp,

The processing time depends on the number of files being processed by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

As we do not gave access to your file, I advise you to contact a counselor about your wife application to health insurance.

Have a nice day.