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About card vitale information


I recently received a temporary social security number, and it has been 15 days since I received this notification. However, I have not yet received the form to apply for my Carte Vitale. Could you please tell me the status of my application and how I can get the form for my Carte Vitale?

Thank you for your assistance.


  • 2 questions posées
  • 4 réponses publiées
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Hello KABYO,

The processing time to get a permanent and certified social security number may fluctuate from a caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) to another.

On this forum, we can not access your personal informations because of safety reasons so I advise you to contact your local CPAM to know about the status of your social security number and when you will be eligible to get your carte Vitale.

 You can find the way to contact your CPAM having a look to this following link :

Comment contacter la CPAM depuis la France ou l'étranger / How call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines ?

Finally, if you want to get more general informations, you can read these english pages :

Have a nice day.

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