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I am a holder of Talent chercheur, and I applied for my social security through depot doc Paris.


I am a researcher, with a Talent chercheur visa. I applied to CPAM Paris 75 via the ""; depotdoc facility. I havent recieved any updates yet, its been over 3 months. I am unable to get any updates via the telephone helplines either. I just want to confirm if I would be informed incase there are any problems with my application. Is there anyway I can get to know the status of my application.

I called the helpline and gave them the tracking number provided to me, they informed me that the tracking number is not valid.

Thank you!!!
Please Help.


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Hello roshi,

Processing time is lower than 3 months for Talent Visa holder. You should have already had a feedback.

Operators cannot find an application with the online filing number.

I recommend taht you reiterate your call. If the operator cannot find your file, there was a reception problem. It will be appropriate to send your application again.

Have a nice day.

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