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Why has my Carte Vitale order been canceled?

I ordered a Carte Vitale for the first time over a month ago. It was shown as "manufacturing" but the card has never been delivered. Now on the ameli account it shows that my address is incorrect and I need to provide a new one even though I received the European health insurance card on the same address a month ago.
Now I had to go to buy medicines without the Carte Vitale (but with a prescription). Can someone guide me if I can still track my Carte Vitale somehow and if I can get reimbursed for the medicines online? Without going to the post office and sending anything.


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Hello goldsti,

In order to track your carte Vitale, I invite you to contact the CPAM’s English or French Advice Lines.

Your medicines will be reimbursed only if you send a copy of the prescription with the "feuille de soins" by post. Your CPAM (caisse primaire d'assurance maladie) will need the original of the "feuille de soins". It is impossible to do it on line.

Have a nice day. 

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