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How can I track my application for the social security number?

I submitted my documents for a social security number to CPAM de la Seine-Saint-Denis over 45 days ago but am yet to receive any update from them. As a holder of a talent passport currently engaged in postdoctoral research in Paris, I'm seeking assistance in tracking the status of my application. Could you please help?"


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Réponse certifiée par un expert ameli

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Hello Umesh,

The Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM) in Paris handles "Passeport Talent" applications with a French employment contract.

If you have a "Passeport Talent" with a foreign contract, you will be affiliated to your CPAM of residence.

The processing times vary depending on the type of files and the number of files being processed by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

If you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line. Dial 09 74 75 36 46.

Have a nice day.

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