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immatriculation travailleurs étrangers

Good morning,
I am a PhD student and I started to work in Dijon from the beginning of March. Since is mandatory to have a social security number to work in France I did the application on this website, receiving a provisional social security number. In the mail that I received it is written that I cannot open an Amelie account and I cannot have a Vitale card with that number. I tried to do also the access on my dossier at this website but it never worked.
The company has proposed to me to do a heath insurance but they request an attestation de droit and a copy of the Vitale card that I still not have. Will I receive a definitive social security number and my card Vitale or have I to do something else?
Thank in advance


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Hello Sofia,

Your temporary number does not allow you to get access to the ameli personal space or "carte Vitale" but your rights to social security are opened, you have got the possibility to be refunded for your health expenditure.

We do not have access to your file on this forum, we cannot exchange personal information in order to secure your data. I invite you to contact an advisor on the phone calling the English advice line dialling to get an update about your definitive number.

Have a nice day

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