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European format vaccination certificate re-issue possibility at centre

Noticed that the European format certificate will be available in English on the website from Jun 23
However, it is not applicable to the person without social security number.

Can you please advise how can I get the European format offline?
Can I go to any vaccination centre, pharmacy which provided the vaccine and ask for the reprint in European format witch English?

Thank you for your advise


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Hello Fish,

Any person who has been vaccinated but registered by the health professional in "Vaccin Covid" without a social security number or as a patient not insured under the French health insurance scheme, will not be able to obtain the certified certificate containing the QR codes, via the teleservice set up at the end of May. They will have to go to their vaccination centre or to the vaccinating health professional with their vaccination summary on which their file number appears for the continuation of their injections or the delivery of the certified vaccination certificate at the end of the vaccination course.

The teleservice set up by the Assurance Maladie is only open to people vaccinated in France and affiliated to the French health insurance scheme with a definitive (certified) social security number. Indeed, FranceConnect is only accessible to insured persons with a number starting with 1 or 2.

You will find additional information on this page of the website: "Covid-19: a certified vaccination certificate can be issued by the health professional".

I wish you a good day

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