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Why is it not possible to communicate with the people of Ameli who answer questions on this forum ???
I got the following answer to my question from "Roxane":
Hello Le Chat,
We don't have any email address to provide you.
Due to the current situation, the English speaking line is not available. If your situation is really urgent, I advise you to contact the French line (by dialing 36 46) with the help of a friend if you don't speak french.
Postal services are still working, CPAM is still working on documents sent by the post. Processing time can be longer than usual due to the situation. You can find the mailing address of your CPAM entering your zip code on this link : "Adresses et contacts".
Have a nice day.
My question is:
Why do Ameli people, who provided me with the subscription forms, want to register me with Ameli, via the PUMA rules, while I am insured under Dutch / French treaty?
Secondly, why do I first have to live in France for 3 months before I can be registered with Ameli and get my insurance???
These are the PUMA rules. I will be insured in the Netherlands on the basis of an S1 treaty form ??
It is all very unclear.
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Inscrit(e) le 07/04/2020
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Après avoir été téléconseillère bilingue et webconseillère pendant 8 ans, je suis ...
Hello Le Chat,
The S1 form that you have from the dutch government enables you to have rights in France thanks to a transfert of them.
You need to send :
- This S1 form along to the the form S1106 "Application for membership in the french health care system",
- A copy of your passeport
- A copy of your birth certificate (the long version with your parents' names)
- A RIB (relevé d'identité bancaire aka the bank détails)
- If you have children, copy of their birth certificates and passport or ID with the form S3705 "Application to add minor children to one or both parents insurance accounts"
You can find your CPAM's address on our website, in "Adresses et Contacts".
The processing times vary depending on the type of files and the number of files being processed by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).
Due to the current situation, the English speaking line is not available. If your situation is urgent, I advise you to contact the French line (by dialing 36 46) with the help of a friend.
Have a good day.
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Inscrit(e) le 12/09/2019
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Au contact des assurés tous les jours, le compte ameli n'a plus de secret pour moi...
Après avoir été téléconseillère bilingue et webconseillère pendant 8 ans, je suis ...
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Après avoir été téléconseillère bilingue et webconseillère pendant 8 ans, je suis ...
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Inscrit(e) le 07/04/2020
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