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Facing a problem with Social Security registration ?

I'm an international student. I tried to do Social Security registration for foreign students on However, I received an e-mail saying:

"Nous ne pouvons donner suite à votre demande d'inscription car votre situation ne le permet pas : Un numéro d'immatriculation vous a déjà été attribué.
Nous vous invitons donc à prendre contact avec la caisse du lieu de votre résidence.
Votre correspondant de la sécurité sociale étudiante."

I used to work as an intern in 3 months in France from mid-April to mid-July in 2018 then started a new study program in another city in France. I didn't register for Social Security at that time. According to what I already read, the Social Security number might appear on my payslips (there could be someone else already doing the registration for me). However, I don't have them anymore since it's been a long time and my working e-mail at that time has no longer been available to access since September. What can I do to find or get my Social Security number back ?

Thank you very much.


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Dear hlong205,

Unfortunately, because of some safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum.

The processing times vary depending on the type of files and the number of files being processed by your caisse primaire d'assurance maladie (CPAM).

Anyway, if you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line.

More information on the link below : How call French Health Insurance Advice Line ?

For your information : the international call prefix or dial out code shown as “+” has to be replaced by figures which are different from the country where you’re located.

You can find the list of these codes on the link below :

You can also contact the French speaking line, dial 36 46.

Have a nice day

[mis à jour le 08/07/2020]

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