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Usage d'une titre professional?

I would like to apply as a psychotherapist with the Cerfa N° 13777*03 application to submit to ARS.

The form says that I need:

  • Diplôme de niveau master dont la spécialité ou la mention est la psychologie ou la psychanalyse. - Autorisation Psychothérapie

Few questions:
1. How do I get an Authorisation Psychothérapie? I thought I am filling out the Cerfa application to get the authorization. I am confused.

2. Can I submit my application with a foreign address, because I am applying before moving to France?

Thank you!


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Bonjour trustjc1,

This forum is dedicated to insured, I am not able to advise you about your profesionnal activity as a psychotherapist.

You can contact a counselor on the line advising practitioners calling 36 08.

Regarding application to health insurance, I advise you to process as I advise you in my former message once your in France only. 

Have a nice day.