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Right for refund after applying to numéro de sécurite sociale

Hello tout le monde,

My wife has a passeport talent (famille), but still no numéro de sécurite sociale. All the documents are with the CPAM (confirmed by then), but it could take 2 more months until they process her files and she receives the NSS.

Can she go to doctors, buy medicine (with the ordonnances) and do bio exams (laboratoire), pay from her pocket, and ask for a reimboursement later, after receiving the number?

Thank you!


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Hello boiscolombian,

The beginning of the health cover is assessed according to the file and the personal situation.

For an active person (employee or self-employed), with a regular status, the beginning of the activity determines the coverage date. Rights are therefore retroactive.

For someone with a regular status, without a professionnal activity, the beginning of the health cover is determined when the file is complete and conform (legality and stability of residency in France).

While waiting for the social security number, we advise to keep the "feuilles de soins" (claim forms) and possible prescriptions given by health professionnals. She can claim for reimbursement when the number is assigned.

Have a nice day

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