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Unable to apply for Carte Vitale via


When I login to my account and try to Order my carte vitale under "My Steps" section, I get the following error:
"Service momentanément indisponible. Veuillez réessayer plus tard ..."

I have been trying for quite some time but this does not seem to work. Can you please help me with what could be done here?


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Ma recette idéale : 4 doses de chocolat, 1 bonne dose d’humour et le tout saupoudr...

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Hello Vivek,

If you already created an ameli account and can't order your card on line, you will have to fill the form you have received by post and send it back. If you haven't received the form for your Vitale card, I invite you to send a message to your local CPAM ( caisse primaire d'assurance maladie) to let it know.

While waiting to receive your new Vitale card, I invite you to download a certificate of entitlement from the home page of your personal space, under the heading "My procedures in 2 clicks", which you can present to health professionals.

You can then check the status of your Vitale card directly in your account, under "My procedures > Follow my procedures > Ordering a Vitale card".

If you have any problems, you can contact your CPAM to review your file.

Unfortunately, because of safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum.

More information in the following topic: How to call the French Health Insurance Advice Lines?

Have a nice day.

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Hello. I am facing the same problem as Vivek. I am unable to log into my space (I can not even view "procedures" as you have mentioned. I have tried different networks and devices but the error persists. However, I have not received any form you mentioned that one must send it back. Please assist me with this.


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    Les meilleures réponses sont les réponses certifiées par un expert ameli ou approuvées par l'auteur de la question.

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Hi Samira,

I would suggest you connect to the helpline. They would be able to facilitate the login for you. In case you haven't received the letter by post you can ask on the helpline if it has been dispatched. They also have an English speaking helpline if needed


  • 4531 réponses publiées

Ma recette idéale : 4 doses de chocolat, 1 bonne dose d’humour et le tout saupoudr...

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Hello Samira968,

Unfortunately, because of some safety and confidentiality issues, we can’t reach any of your information or file from this forum.

Anyway, if you need some help regarding this request, you can contact the CPAM’s English speaking line.Dial 09 74 75 36 46. 

You can also contact the French speaking line, dial 36 46.

Have a nice day.