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Transfer of card vitale

I have my card vitale through my host parents as I am an Au Pair. I will be getting a long stay visitors visa directly after my au pair visa expires. Can I transfer the payments and everything to myself so I can keep my card the whole time without my host parents? Thank you.


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Réponse certifiée par un expert ameli

Un expert ameli a validé la réponse ci-dessous.

Hello Gracie,

First, the long-stay visa "visitor" is only accepted if it has been validated to provide proof of legal residency and to ensure registration with health insurance.

An online registration portal allows holders of this kind of visa to register and obtain proof that their VSL-TS has been validated, which can be downloaded immediately.

To access it, please follow this link :

If your residence permit does not allow you to keep your health insurance rights in France, you will need to reapply as soon as you get a valid visa.

I wish you a nice day.

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